
September 6/7 events have an important place in the history of the republic. The discussions about who the agents of the events were have stil been continuing. In this article, September 6/7 events were evaluated in terms of cause and effect relation. Impact of the events was interpreted by evaluating within the Turkish-Greek relations. After Greece to take Cyprus Issue to take UN and the terrorist acts to increase on the island by invitiny Turkey and Greece England held the London Conference on September 6 1955 the events started after the ‘’İstanbul Ekspres Newspaper’’ had announced that Atatürk’s hause in Thessuloniki had sombed. The demonstration in Taksim square instiated by the Turkish Cyprus society had been out of control as people had been pouring into the streets. Soon afterwards the demonstration became a looting movement against the Greek minorities in İstiklal Caddesi. The events that had spread all over İstanbul had olso spread to other places, especially to İzmir and Ankara. During the events there were minorities Muslim neigbors who tried to hide and protect them at home. The events could only be brought under control by Prime Minister Adnan Menderes declaration of martial law. After the events the Turkish government expressed the regret and gave the promise of compensation of the harms of the minorities. Special courts were established and the agents were tried to find. Among those who were held responsible for the events of September 6th and 7th Menderes and various groups were held responsible. As a matter of fact one of the cases heard in the court in Yassıada after the 27 May 1960 military coup was the 6/7 September Events.

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