
Abstract Health information is essential to inform decision-makers, researchers and the public. The availability of health and non-health information generated from different sources is increasing. The possibility to link administrative data sources with other databases offers unique opportunity to answer research questions which, for example, require a large sample size or detailed data on hard-to-reach population. However, the linking of information from multiple data sources for population health surveillance and research can be complex and may require advanced expertise and skills in analyzing big data. Therefore, more efficient ways of linking and analyzing health information using big data across European countries are required. Nevertheless, the use of data linkage and the new technology such as artificial intelligence for data analysis across national public health institutes and health information and statistics offices across European countries varies. The Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct) aims to establish a solid infrastructure on EU health information through improving the availability of comparable, robust and policy-relevant health status data and health system performance information. In the area of innovation in health information, InfAct focuses on developing guidance and recommendations based on case studies in data linkage and analysis for population health research. The main objectives of this workshop are to share the experiences gained in using new methodological approaches for population health research, to highlight the underlying limitations and lessons learnt, and their implications for the facilitation of health policy processes. The workshop will begin with the latest developments in new methods for data analysis using artificial intelligence, followed by the presentation of potential uses of the hospital admissions/mortality ratio to assess the variability of non-communicable diseases within a country. Then, a java interactive tool to analyze industrial pollution for public health surveillance will be introduced, followed by an update on the development of a federated architecture for population health research that provides solutions to interoperability challenges. Finally, a new business model for health information in the age of digitalization will be presented. Interactive exchange with the delegates will facilitate knowledge and opinion exchange regarding new approaches in population health research, and support learning from the experiences of the Joint Action. A commentary will summarize the main discussion points, and be submitted to the European Journal of Public Health. Key messages The main outputs of the Joint Action InfAct will contribute to the development of new methods for population health research. The results will support knowledge exchange among EU Member States, and facilitate the adoption of good practices considering country context.

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