
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of methysergide, ketanserin, granisetron, cisapride, and renzapride on serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine-evoked short-circuit current in muscle and myenteric plexus-stripped pig jejunum using the Ussing chamber technique. Ketanserin, granisetron, cisapride, and renzapride all reduced the 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced increase in short-circuit current by about 50%. Combination of ketanserin and granisetron only reduced the 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced peak increase in short-circuit current by 25%. Cisapride caused a small concentration-dependent increase in short-circuit current. Atropine and hexamethonium both almost completely suppressed the cisapride-induced peak increase in short-circuit current. Atropine and hexamethonium both almost completely suppressed the cisapride-induced peak increase in short-circuit current. Ketanserin, granisetron, methysergide, and renzapride did not alter the basal short-circuit current. These results suggest that 5-hydroxytryptamine elicits an increase in short-circuit current by activating epithelial and submucosal 5-hydroxytryptamine2 and 5-hydroxytryptamine3 receptor subtypes. Furthermore, the short-circuit current-increasing effect of cisapride, is due to activation of at least muscarinic and nicotinic receptors.

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