
Canonical threefold singularities in M-theory and Type IIB string theory give rise to superconformal field theories (SCFTs) in 5d and 4d, respectively. In this paper, we study canonical hypersurface singularities whose resolutions contain residual terminal singularities and/or 3-cycles. We focus on a certain class of ‘trinion’ singularities which exhibit these properties. In Type IIB, they give rise to 4d mathcal{N} = 2 SCFTs that we call {D}_p^b (G)-trinions, which are marginal gaugings of three SCFTs with G flavor symmetry. In order to understand the 5d physics of these trinion singularities in M-theory, we reduce these 4d and 5d SCFTs to 3d mathcal{N} = 4 theories, thus determining the electric and magnetic quivers (or, more generally, quiverines). In M-theory, residual terminal singularities give rise to free sectors of massless hypermultiplets, which often are discretely gauged. These free sectors appear as ‘ugly’ components of the magnetic quiver of the 5d SCFT. The 3-cycles in the crepant resolution also give rise to free hypermultiplets, but their physics is more subtle, and their presence renders the magnetic quiver ‘bad’. We propose a way to redeem the badness of these quivers using a class mathcal{S} realization. We also discover new S-dualities between different {D}_p^b (G)-trinions. For instance, a certain E8 gauging of the E8 Minahan-Nemeschansky theory is S-dual to an E8-shaped Lagrangian quiver SCFT.


  • Introduction and overviewFive-dimensional superconformal field theories (5d SCFTs) are intrinsically strongly-coupled

  • In the process of deriving the 3d Lagrangians for Dpb(SU(N )) theories, we introduce a new family of 4d N = 2 SCFTs with SU(N ) × SU(K) × U(1) global symmetry which we call Dsb(N, K) with s = p/gcd(p, b)

  • We find that 24(c − a) = dH whenever the 3d quiver is ugly in the GW sense — that is, the IR fixed point contains a free sector of twisted hypermultiplets. This is perhaps expected from the point of view of the 4d Higgs-branch theory, since free vector multiplets will reduce to a free sector and, less trivially, any 4d N = 2 SCFT with an empty Higgs branch is expected to flows to twisted hypermultiplets as well

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Introduction and overview

Five-dimensional superconformal field theories (5d SCFTs) are intrinsically strongly-coupled. The most popular tool we have to understand S-dualities is the pair-of-pants decomposition of a Riemann surface in the class S description [64] This cannot be used to study the examples we will discuss in this paper since the relevant trinion SCFTs, which include special unitary quivers with exceptional shape, are not class S theories in general. The main protagonists of this section are the 4d N = 2 SCFTs Dpb(G) [57], their gauging with N = 2 vector multiplets for the ADE group G, the associated canonical singularities in IIB, and the reduction of these theories to 3d It is this class of theories that will play a key role where we will determine the 5d SCFTs obtained from M-theory on the same singularities. We will use the following abbreviation in writing the quivers, in 4d and 3d, where the round nodes are gauge nodes while the square node corresponds to flavor nodes: U(n) n

Canonical singularities and 4d SCFTs
Higgs branch and anomaly matching
Trinion singularities
Terminal singularities and rank 0 5d SCFTs
Magnetic quivers and higher form symmetries
The E6 model
The E7 models
Generalized En theories and discrete gauging
Rank-zero trinions
Coulomb branch spectrum and ‘badness’ in the class S description
Redeeming bad theories by box-lifting
Higher-rank theories
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