
Coordination number of network-former (NWF) and formation of nonbridging oxygen (NBO) at the site neighboring to NWF can be estimated from Mossbauer measurements, since small amounts of Fe3+ and Sn4+ substitute NWF in several oxide glasses. Gamma-ray or thermal neutron irradiation of oxide glasses causes electron or charge transfer from oxygen to the Mossbauer ions, and the probability depends on the fraction of NBO. On the contrary, γ-ray irradiation of phosphate glasses results in oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ since iron plays a role of network modifier (NWM) at interstitial sites. Debye temperature θD obtained from low-temperature Mossbauer measurements reflects the site occupation of Mossbauer ions in glasses. A linear relationship between glass transition temperature (Tg) and quadrupole splitting (Δ) of Fe3+,Tg—Δ rule, is also effective for determining the site occupation of Mossbauer ions.

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