
This chapter elaborates the concept of link courses being implemented in Australian education system. A recent trend in Australian secondary school education aims to ensure that the curriculum is as relevant as possible to the present and future needs of pupils. This trend is associated with a concern that pupils should stay at school, or at least in formal education, as long as practicable beyond the statutory school age of 15 years and that this opportunity be extended to all citizens irrespective of socio-economic grouping, sex, religion or ethnic background. The various state and territorial educational systems have responded in various ways. One of these is the development of “link courses” with postsecondary institutions. These are proving to be especially successful. While various educational systems define link courses somewhat differently they are usually seen as part-time courses for secondary school pupils conducted by and within postsecondary (higher) educational institutions such as Colleges of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) or Colleges of Advanced Education (CAEs). In practice most link courses in Australia are arranged conjointly by secondary schools and Colleges of TAFE. Usually the targeted group is for pupils aged 14 to 17.

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