
The crythrophilic IgG-globulin coat (IgG E-C) circnlates in plasma; it coats red blood cells at low ionic strenth medium (Thomaidis, N.: Biochemistry, 6 3378, 1967). A method for quantitating IgG E-C, devised in our laboratory and consisting of (a) elution of IgG E-C and (b) determination of IgG in the eluate by circular immunodiffusion was applied to 83 newborns with sevre jaundice. The mean value of IgG E-C in the ABO isoimmunization group (65.6 ±12.1 mg) was higher than that in healthy newborns (44.3 ± 13.6 p <0.001), in ABO set-up, or jaundice of unknown etiology. In the Rh iso-immunization group (IgG E-C was not increased 46.3 ± 11.7). It is concluded that this increase in the ABO isoimmunization group probably represents univalent and incomplete immune isohemagglutinins which are easily eluted. leaving the red cells naked and producing a negative Coomm's test. Investigations aiming at clucidating the pathogenesis of ABO isoimmunization should be diverted to the IgG E-C of neonatal erythroeytes rather than the materna serum. Unfortunately it cannot be used as an absolute diagnostic test in ABO isoimmunation because of overlapping of velues.

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