
Background & aims: Many reports show the benefits of routine cerebral function monitoring (CFM) in neonatal encephalopathy, and mounting recent data support the use of hypothermia therapy for perinatal asphyxia. Information is lacking regarding the current UK availability of equipment for neonatal brain monitoring and active hypothermia therapy. We aimed to survey current facilities available for brain monitoring and hypothermia therapy in UK neonatal units. Methods: Telephone survey of all 214 UK neonatal units in July - November 2009. Results: Responses were obtained from 214/214 (100%) of units. Results are summarised by country (Table 1), Table 2 In total 88/214 (41%) UK units have CFM available and 60/214(28%) have dedicated cooling equipment. Of tertiary neonatal intensive care units, 7/55(13 %) presently do not have available CFM equipment, and 12/55 (22%) are not able to offer active hypothermia therapy. Conclusion: Despite compelling evidence of the worth of cotside continuous electrical brain monitoring and hypothermia therapy in asphyxiated neonates, most level 2 units do not currently offer CFM, and a significant minority of tertiary level UK neonatal units do not currently offer brain monitoring or hypothermia therapy.

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