
Abstract Background Nursing homes are the primary provider of long-term residential care for over 30,000 older people in Ireland. The first ever National Nursing Home Experience Survey was conducted in 2022 to gather feedback from residents and their relatives or friends on their experiences of nursing homes in order to improve the care provided while also informing regulation and national and local policies. Methods The survey sample comprised 53 nursing homes, representative of the national profile of nursing homes by size, location and ownership. Two questionnaires were developed through engagement with key stakeholders; a resident questionnaire, containing 54 questions, administered through face-to-face interviews and a relative or friend questionnaire, containing 49 questions, administered by post. Topics included moving into the nursing home, person-centred care, involvement in decision-making and care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used to analyse quantitative responses, and framework analysis was used to analyse responses to open-ended questions. Results 718 residents (68% of those invited) and 943 relatives or friends (59.7%) participated. Most residents and relatives said they had a good or very good overall experience with the nursing home. Both groups were particularly positive about the living environment and the staff and caregivers. However, some areas were identified that needed improvement including, resident involvement in decision-making, the food served and having a staff member who residents could talk to about their concerns. Participants also talked about the quality of care during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they coped with visiting restrictions and the overall impact of the pandemic on their experience in the nursing home. Conclusion Prior to the National Nursing Home Experience Survey, there was no standardised measure of nursing home care experience in Ireland. The findings of this survey are being used to improve nursing home care in the future while also informing regulation and policy-making.

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