
A study was made of foam separation with various kinds of surface active agents and adsorption separation with metallic soaps and lauryl amine salts, for the purpose of concentrating trace amounts of U in various kinds of salt solutions and sea water. The optimum conditions were influenced by the chemical components of the solutions. The most effective methods brought to light were as follows:(1) Foam separation with lauryl amine acetate on neutral solutions of various salts, alkyl benzyl ammonium chloride on weak alkali solution, and lauryl betain on acidic solution of nitrate and sea-water.(2) Adsorption of U contained in sea-water by Fe, Ti and Zn soaps. In acidified sea water, was adsorbed by Mg, Ti and Ni soaps.(3) Adsorption of U in chloride, sulfate and nitrate solutions by Ca soap. U in sea water was adsorbed only when acidified.(4) Adsorption of U in the various salt solutions by lauryl amine phosphate.

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