
my lovinge Sir, three Letters I have received now together, one of the 16 and another of the Last of Aug by mr moore, and the third a little before of the 22 of Aug. by all which I well conceive what difficulties yow fynd. I Like well of your course in sendinge mr moore, who is safely arrived, but at the writinge hereof not come unto us. yt pleaseth me also that yow fynd frendes who advise yow not to deale by way of opposition on our partes, but unitedly and constantly to seeke our owne. a thinge which yow know I have alwaies liked. mr moore shall have at my handes what favour I canne shewe: to make him one of my Assistantes I could easily incline, but that mr parkers place which is void, is so farre from those partes, where he is like to remaine. howbeit herein I meane to follow the advise of my other frendes. mr mush is earnest with me for another.

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