
This chapter discusses the bearing capacity equations developed by Terzaghi, which are used in order to compute the bearing capacity of foundations. It explains the three properties of soil that develop its bearing capacity. It describes the terms used in the Terzaghi bearing capacity equation, the ultimate bearing capacity, the cohesion term, the surcharge term, and the density term. Each term in the Terzaghi bearing capacity equation impacts the bearing capacity of a footing. It concerns the computation of bearing capacity in sandy soil and explores a wall footing in a homogeneous sand layer and a column footing in a homogeneous clay layer. The bearing capacity and column footing in soil layered with clay and sand is described. Furthermore, it explores a column footing on layered soil with two sand layers. It also covers a wall footing in soil with two different layers of clay and considers a strip footing design in sand using SPT (N) values, for the no groundwater case. It then discusses the bearing capacity when groundwater is present and when groundwater is above and below the bottom of footing level. Finally, it discusses shallow foundations in bridge abutments.

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