
The 4-meter Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) instrument uses 2436 individually positioned optical fibres to couple the light of targets into its spectrographs. The AESOP fibre positioner is mounted at the Cassegrain focus of the VISTA telescope, which houses the fibres in a hexagon-like structure with a diameter of 535 mm that covers a 2.5 deg diameter field of view on the sky. Fibres are positioned relative to fixed fiducial fibres. The metrology system determines the position of the fibres on the focal surface of the telescope relative to the fiducial fibres. The location of the fibres needs to be measured to better than 3 micron RMS in the focal surface, approximately 0.05 arc seconds on sky. Four imaging cameras are mounted on the VISTA spider vanes that look through the entire optical train, including primary and secondary mirror as well as the wide field corrector (WFC) / atmospheric dispersion compensator (ADC) unit. We recreated the setup for the metrology system in the lab with similar dynamic behavior but different optical design due to the lack of the VISTA telescope. We demonstrate the metrology system measurement accuracy in lab conditions on the full scale test stand. We also show how we measure distortions induced by optical path and the calibration procedure as a precursor for commissioning on the telescope. In particular, we present a method how to measure the surface shape of any optical surface with approx. 10 nm accuracy over its entire optically active surface.

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