
The adsorption of 4-mercaptopyridine (4MPy) molecules on reconstructed Au(111) is investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Spectroscopy (STS) at low temperature and under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions. As made visible by STM, at low coverage (<10%) 4MPy adsorbs preferentially at elbow sites of the Herringbone reconstruction and at step edges of the Au(111). Increasing coverage (but still <30%) results in formation of molecular chains followed, at even higher coverage, by a 3-dimensional growth. Detailed analysis of z-V spectroscopy (ramping the tunneling bias V while keeping the tunneling current constant) provides information on the bias dependent apparent height of a single 4MPy/Au(111) as well as on the local density of states (LDOS) of single and chain 4MPy molecules in comparison to the bare Au(111) surface revealing a significant shift of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) towards lower energy for molecules within chains. Additionally, the data provide no evidence that for these samples prepared in UHV the adsorption of 4MPy on Au(111) requires mediating Au adatoms. Also, clear indications are given that the adsorption does not induce a strong reduction of the Au DOS close to its Fermi energy. Finally, in context of the apparent STM height of 4MPy molecules, the behavior of the differential barrier height Φ(diff)(V) = (∂(z)∂(V)I/∂(V)I)(2) on bare Au(111) and 4MPy/Au(111) is analyzed and the corresponding experimental values are applied to recover the LDOS of the molecule for unoccupied states according to a previously published numerical recipe [B. Koslowski, H. Pfeifer and P. Ziemann, Phys. Rev. B, 2009, 80, 165419 and M. Ziegler, N. Néel, A. Sperl, J. Kröger, and R. Berndt, Phys. Rev. B, 2009, 80, 125402]. In this way, one obtains a spectrum comprising a constant DOS of the Shockley-like surface state of Au(111) and a Lorentzian line attributed to the LUMO of 4MPy.

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