
Photonuclear reaction research is of great interest to obtain information about the structure of nuclei. The investigation of structural effects requires certain insights into the reaction mechanisms, that have to be identified on the basis of the fundamental principles of covariance and gauge invariance. The major achievement of the chosen model is the ability to reproduce the cross-section dependence using the minimal necessary set of parameters. We analyze the two-particle disintegration of 3 He nuclei by photons. Our interest was raised by the fact that 3 He is the simplest many-particle system which admits an exact solutions. We also consider the process 4 He(γ , d)d . This process comes at the expense of the quadrupole absorption of γ -rays, while the dipole transition is suppressed. This property is a consequence of the isospin selection as well as the identity of the particles in the final state. Obtained results describe the energy range from threshold (20 MeV) to 140 MeV. Therefore, the model mentioned in the paper has the peculiarity to be valid not only for the low-energy regime, but also for higher energies. Present paper is devoted to determine the roles of different reaction mechanisms and to solve problems above.


  • All the most important theoretical results obtained in the micro-world studies are strongly limited by the framework of the local quantum-field approach

  • In papers [3,4] the possibility to involve the non-local matter fields into the standard quantum electrodynamics (QED) was generated

  • 03040-p.2 that only accounting of the dynamics at the vertex of the strong interaction gives a significant contribution into the reaction cross section

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All the most important theoretical results obtained in the micro-world studies are strongly limited by the framework of the local quantum-field approach. The ସ‫݁ܪ‬ሺߛ, ݀ሻ݀ process is characterized by the following fact: the electric dipole moment is suppressed and the process realizes mostly due to a quadrupole γ-ray absorption. This property is caused by the isospin selection and by the identity of the particles in the final state.

EPJ Web of Conferences
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