
Abstract Background and Aims In connection with the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, there have been recent discussions about the role of endothelial function in the course and prognosis of the disease. Purpose of the study. study of endothelial function in patients who have had a coronavirus infection. Methods Under observation were 60 patients who underwent COVID-19 of moderate severity on the 14th day of therapy at the age of 57 to 67 years. Patients of the 1st group (30 patients), against the background of standard basic therapy, were prescribed L-carnitine at a dose of 5 g/day for 5 days, followed by a maintenance dose of 1 g/day for 5 days. Group II consisted of 30 patients who met the inclusion criteria for the study, were treated for COVID-19 and did not receive metabolic agents. The state of endothelial function was assessed according to Doppler sonography of the brachial artery using the D.S. Celemajer (1992) using a reactive flush test. Changes in the diameter of the right brachial artery were assessed using a 7.5-12 MHz linear transducer with a phase grating ultrasound system En Visor C Philips. The results of the study were processed statistically using Student's t test for paired and unpaired variables. Differences were considered significant at p<0.05. Results After analyzing the data of samples with RG in combination with blood flow velocity indicators, we noted that in response to an increase in blood flow velocity in the control group, the diameter of the brachial artery increased by almost 12%, in patients with COVID-19, the blood flow velocity increased significantly, and the diameter of the artery practically did not change. Thus, with an increase in the mechanical stimulus, i.e. blood flow velocity in patients with COVID-19 did not occur a commensurate increase in the diameter of the vessel. The results obtained indicate a pronounced dysfunction of the endothelium in patients with COVID-19, in particular, EDVD, the indicators of which were two times lower than the control values. Conclusions The inclusion of L-carnitine in the regimen of standard therapy for patients with COVID-19 significantly improves the values of EVR compared to the standard basic therapy.

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