
Abstract Background and Aims To compare the clinical and rheological efficacy of prasugrel and clopidogrel in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia with stage 2 chronic kidney disease. According to statistics, in Europe, peripheral arterial disease is common in more than 40 million Europeans. According to the developed tactics, not only stroke should be recognized as a serious, life-threatening condition, but other peripheral vascular diseases can lead to disability and death. Methods The study included 101 patients with critical lower limb ischemia of atherosclerotic origin. The mean age of the patients was 51.51±8.33 years. As a control group, 20 healthy volunteers (mean age 53.90 ± 9.05 years) were examined without signs of pathology of the cardiovascular system, including those of a vegetative nature. All patients included in the study were hospitalized in the Department of Interventional Cardiology of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Center for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Tashkent city. Results In 94 patients (93.07%), CLCI was accompanied by hemodynamically significant multifocal atherosclerotic lesions. The first place in frequency of combined lesions was occupied by the coronary vessels, the second place - by the arteries of the brachiocephalic basin. 82 patients (81.19%) had previously suffered arterial occlusion, also most often in the form of acute myocardial infarction, somewhat less often - acute cerebrovascular accident. 47 patients (46.53%) underwent revascularization earlier, mainly coronary artery stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting, carotid endarterectomy. 8 patients (7.92%) underwent revascularization of the contralateral leg. The study studied spontaneous (SAT) and ADP-induced platelet aggregation. In the CG, SAT was noted only in 50% of cases and in all patients of the CLCI group. After comparing the results in the groups of patients with CLCI and representatives of the CG, in whom SAT was noted, it was found that both the rate and degree of SAT in the group of patients were significantly higher than in healthy individuals (2.95±0.59% versus 0.55± 0.21% and 6.05±1.54% versus 1.24±0.21%, respectively, p<0.001 significance of the intergroup difference of both parameters). All patients due to CINC underwent endovascular revascularization of the affected leg. After the procedure, patients were prescribed an antiplatelet agent at a maintenance dose (prasugrel 10 mg/day, clopidogrel 75 mg/day). After 3 months, a control examination was carried out, during which the dynamics of platelet aggregation activity was studied. It was found that the indicators of CAT and ADP induced aggregation decreased by 22-37%. During the test, patients with resistance to antiplatelet agents were identified - in whom the decrease in the degree of ADP5 induced aggregation was less than 20%. Such resistance was found in 19 patients: 1 patient in the prasugrel group (1.69%) and 18 patients in the clopidogrel group (42.86%, chi square = 27.00, p<0.001). Isolation of patients with normal and reduced response to the loading dose of clopidogrel revealed some differences (Table 3.3). So, already initially in this group of patients, the degree of ADP5-induced aggregation was lower than in the group of patients with an antiplatelet response of more than 20%. After the application of a loading dose of clopidogrel, differences in relative dynamics were noted only in terms of the degree of ADP%-induced aggregation (p<0.001). Conclusions Thus, the present study revealed that in patients with CLCI, there is a significant activation of CAT and an increase in the aggregation response to the introduction of high doses of the inducer of ADP5 aggregation. The loading dose of antiplatelet agents contributed to a significant decrease in platelet aggregation activity after 2 hours with a large effect of prasugrel. Chronic antiplatelet therapy led to a decrease in the rate and degree of aggregation, both spontaneous and ADP-induced, a decrease in the endogenous ADP release response, also with a great effect in patients taking prasugrel.

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