
Abstract Introduction The aim of the project was to improve the quality and effectiveness of the evening surgical handover in a large tertiary surgical department, incorporating up to 150 patients. Method Audit standards were derived from GMC and RCSEng guidelines. An initial audit of the evening handover was conducted over a period of two weeks. Following this, a standard operating protocol (SOP) was introduced, with re-audit 4-weeks following implementation. Results The initial audit identified an inconsistent format and significant variability. Few handovers commenced with all team members present (11%) and were uninterrupted (33%). A laminated handover SOP checklist was produced and a new proforma was introduced to document tasks or reviews required overnight. A mandatory evening surgical HDU round was invoked and a “watchers” system was introduced to identify patients at highest risk of deterioration. Re-audit demonstrated significant improvements in all domains to > 85%. ICU referrals overnight decreased from 6% to 2%. Further improvements measures were implemented in the form of a dynamic virtual handover document. Conclusions A structured SOP improved the consistency of the handover process. A night review of all HDU patients reduced the rate of ICU referrals. Implementation of virtual handover processes may be required in the COVID-era.

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