
AbstractPurposeThe present study aimed to reveal trends in simulated education in Japanese gerontological nursing by conducting a text mining analysis of the Igaku Chuo Zasshi databank.MethodsSimulated education is focused by field of Japanese nursing education in recently. Therefore, we searched for original articles containing the terms “Simulated education” and “gerontological nursing” which were published between 2014and 2019. Articles containing these terms, as well as thesaurus words in the articles, were analyzed using Trend Search. The analysis provided a conceptual map of related words, with the strength of the relationship reflected in the thickness of lines and the distance between them.Igaku Chuo ZasshiA literature search was conducted using Igaku Chuo Zasshi, the Japanese medical literature database provided by the NPO Japan Medical Abstracts Society. This database comprises approximately 5000 journal titles and 6,300,000 articles.Text mining softwareTrend Search is a commercially available software developed by FUJITSU. Articles were anonymized prior to analysis.Ethical considerationsOnly anonymous articles were selected.Results and ConclusionsThe search identified 15 articles. Mapping yielded the two wedges of [Learning] and [Simulated game]. The [Learning] wedge had three groups ( Introduce, Communications, and Aging ). Introduce refers to nursing processes via simulated patients or role play. Communications refers to practice in gerontological nursing. Aging refers to role playing with group works in fundamental nursing. The [Simulated game] wedge had two groups (Effects and On-the-job training). Effects refers to leaving bed or psychographics. On-the-job training refers to simulation of elderly because of understanding.

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