
Because DTP, a reactogenic vaccine, is routinely given at two, four and six months of age, the period of highest incidence of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), this study was undertaken to determine if there is a temporal association between DTP immunization and SIDS. Parents of 145 SIDS victims who died in Los Angeles County between January 1, 1979 and August 23, 1980 were contacted and interviewed regarding their child's recent immunization and physician visit history. Fifty-three infants had received a DTP immunization; 27 had been immunized within 28 days of death. Six deaths occurred within 24 hours, 17 within 1 week and 23 within 2 weeks of immunization. Deaths were significantly more frequent than expected within 24 hours and 7 days of DTP immunization. Forty-six infants had a physician visit with no DTP immunization prior to death; 40 were seen within 28 days of death. Four deaths occurred within 24 hours, 22 within 1 week and 36 within 2 weeks of this visit. Deaths were significantly more frequent than expected during the first and second weeks post-physician visit when no DTP was given. These data suggest that there may be a temporal association between both DTP immunization, and physician visits without DTP immunization, and SIDS.

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