
The present study examines a fossil saprock–saprolite–laterite-profile beneath the sub-Cambrian peneplain in the Pan-African Roded Granite, Israel, with regard to structure and magnetic fabrics (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, AMS), and image analysis of compaction. The deformed granite shows two pre-weathering foliations, S1m (magmatic) and S2g (gneissic). Pre-Early Cambrian weathering comprised weathering-brecciation in saprock and saprolite, and chemical weathering with clay-formation in saprolite and laterite. During subsequent Phanerozoic burial the laterite was vertically compacted to 73% of its original thickness. In the laterite, compaction produced an unconformity-parallel cleavage (S3d) with increasing intensity towards the unconformity. Bulk susceptibility (κbulk) and anisotropy (P′) decrease from the unweathered granite into the saprolite, as a result of progressive magnetite breakdown, martitization and weathering-brecciation. In the laterite, an enrichment of haematite and relic Fe–Mg–mica lead to increased κbulk. Here, magnetic fabrics trace the compaction fabrics. The subhorizontal, compactional clay–/mica-fabric S3d defines a structurally weak and impermeable layer. The mechanical weakness of a clay-enriched weathering horizon with an unconformity-parallel, planar shape-preferred orientation, combined with the potentially overpressured state due to the sealing character of such a zone provides a viable explanation for the abundant localization of decollement horizons at or beneath basement-cover interfaces.

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