
worthely esteemed and beloved sr yours of the 1 of August gave us good contentment in that yt mentioned the arrivall of D Kellisones to the protectoure hopeinge that yt with ours unto him also will sett forward some good resolutione for Doway wherein I feare delay may be hurtfull[.] Therefore doe we wishe that as you can with anie conveniencie you should solicit and sett forwarde Doct Kell[i]son his establishement wzth all speede for yf there were no feare of other inconvenient [sic] the only deferringe of sendinge or thinkinge of sendinge some one into spayne ys cause enoughe to solicit that matter which untill yt be resolved upon will ever hinder the executione of thother to our great hinderance. I have writen to Doct Kell and have sent him your owne wordes bothe aswell in this of the 1 of august as of the 18 of Iuly and have urged him with all the reasones I cowld to write unto you playnly his mynd, & his desire, and to entreat you to solicit for him those thinges he proposethe which what they are in particuler we knowe no more then that we did by mr Harley his letter, we expect everie day to heare of his resolutione in this poynt but peradventure you shale heare frome him by mr pett his meanes sooner.

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