
The title compound, 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-thione (1), was synthesized by a hetero-cyclization reaction of 4-chlorophenyl isothiocyanate and formic hydrazide. Compound 1 was characterized by a single-crystal X-ray structure determination as well as 1H and 13C{1H} NMR, IR, and UV spectroscopy, and microelemental analysis. X-ray crystallography on 1 confirms the molecule exists as the thione tautomer and shows the five-membered ring to be planar and to form a dihedral angle of 82.70(5)° with the appended chlorophenyl ring, indicating an almost orthogonal relationship. In the molecular packing, supramolecular dimers are formed via thioamide-N–H⋯S(thione) hydrogen bonds and these are connected by C=S⋯π(triazolyl) and C-Cl⋯π(triazolyl) interactions, leading to a three-dimensional architecture.


  • Nitrogen–sulfur containing heterocyclic ligands, of which the ttiittllee 11,22,44--ttrriiaazole-5-thione is aann eexxaammppllee, aarreewweelllkknnoowwnnfofrorthtehieripr hpahramrmacaoclolgoigcaiclaplopteontetinatlia[1l,[21],2a]ndanadbialibtyilittoy ctoocrodoinrdatienamteetmalest[a3l]s

  • TThhee aabbsseennccee off aa resonance due to S-H suggests the presence of the thione tautomer in CDCl33 soolluuttiioonn

  • All standard chemicals and solvents were sourced from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) and used withoAutllfsutratnhderarpducrihfiecmatiicoanls

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11.. Introduction

Nitrogen–sulfur containing heterocyclic ligands, of which the ttiittllee 11,,22,,44--ttrriiaazole-5-thione is aann eexxaammppllee,, aarreewweelllkknnoowwnnfofrorthtehieripr hpahramrmacaoclolgoigcaiclaplopteontetinatlia[1l ,[21],2a]ndanadbialibtyilittoy ctoocrodoinrdatienamteetmalest[a3l]s. CHhaeraecinterthizeatsiyont,haensdisX, s-rpaeyctcrroyssctoapl isctrcuhcaturarectdereitzeartmioin,atainond oXf-trhaey tcirtylestcaolmstprouuctnudr,e1d, eStcehremminea1t,ioanreodf ethsceritbiteled.compound, 1, Scheme 1, are described. RReessuullttss aanndd DDiissccuussssiioonn TThhee ttiittllee ccoommppoouunndd ((11)) wwaass pprreeppaarreedd iinn ggoooodd yyiieelldd ((7733%%)) ffrroomm tthhee hheetteerroo--ccyycclliizzaattiioonn rreeaaccttiioonn ooff. TThhee fifinnaall pprroodduucctt wwaasscchhaarraacctteerriizzeeddbbyyssppeeccttrroossccooppyy((11HH aanndd1133CC{{11HH}} NNMMRR,, IIRR,, aanndd UUVV));; sseeee SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy Materials for original spectra. The NMR data showed the expected resonances and integration (1H). The most notable feature in the 13C{1H} NMR spectrum is the downfield resonance, at δ 167.9 ppm, ascribed to the quaternary-C1 atom. TThhee aabbsseennccee off aa resonance due to S-H suggests the presence of the thione tautomer in CDCl33 soolluuttiioonn. TThhee mmoolleeccuullaarr ssttrruuccttuurree ooff 11 sshhoowwiinngg aattoomm llaabbeelliinngg aanndd ddiissppllaacceemmeenntt eelllliippssooiiddss aatt tthhee 7700%% pprroobbaabbiilliittyy lleevveell.

Materials and Methods
Synthesis and Characterization of 1
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