
Abstract Over 100 years ago, the Smith Lever Act created the Cooperative Extension Service in conjunction with the land grant institutions. Extension has seen much change with a never-ending list of challenges presenting themselves. Graduate training programs are typically discipline focused, answering questions using the scientific method. Most new hires have limited exposure to Extension educational program development and likely have not received training in curriculum planning, program assessment or logic model development. The learning curve can be even steeper when one accepts a position with multiple disciplinary responsibilities or outside their industry sector focus (i.e., cow/calf verses feedlot nutrition). Success is often determined by developing relationships with experienced faculty both at their institution and others in the region. Guidance can be sought from these experienced individuals, knowledge can be gained from their successes and failures, and one can learn the Extension arm of the land grant system quickly from these relationships. Relationships should not be limited to the home department of the individual but should reach across disciplines to engage others to work with and learn from to aid in developing a system-wide view of agricultural production. Regional research and extension groups are key contributors to building multi-state programming of new Extension specialists. Access to funds is critical for the implementation of Extension programming and these networks increase funding opportunities. My success in Extension is a shared success with all those that were kind enough to take the time to teach me a little of their area of expertise. Having the willingness to be part of a team in developing Extension programming for beef cattle has resulted in a rewarding career. New hires in the Extension specialist role will find building a team to work with to develop effective beef programs will ease their transition from graduate student to Extension specialist.

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