
Our ABA verified burn center utilizes a ‘hybrid’ model to care for its patients. The burn center resides across mixed medical/ surgical trauma units within a large university hospital. This can present many challenges to the need for a cohesive, competent staff that consistently delivers expert care. Based on our hybrid model, nursing leadership recognized the need to enhance and further develop our annual competency and education plan for burn center nurses. This resulted in the addition of an annual skills assessment day. This is currently in its third year and, with the introduction of the ABA burn nurse competencies (BNC), our nursing team has begun the work of aligning our enhanced system of competency skills assessment and education with these standards to create a consistent, comprehensive education plan to ensure nursing competency throughout the burn center. A survey needs assessment was provided to all burn center nurses to determine content for the annual skills assessment day. The survey included a 5-point Likert Scale to assess the knowledge level of nurses in areas of burn care. This year we incorporated the eleven domains of ABA BNC in the questionnaire, and one question asking nurses what they would like included in the next skills day. The domains with the greatest knowledge gap will be addressed with this year’s skills day and online learning modules. The goal is to address each domain at a nursing skills day within the 3-year verification cycle. Routine ongoing education that is under development will address each domain annually. Nursing leadership for the burn center meets regularly to develop education for nursing. To align our current educational plan with the ABA BNCs, workgroups of interdisciplinary subject matter experts were formed to create comprehensive online learning modules consistent with BNC domains. Members of each group will include representation from all nursing units within the center. These learning modules will be assigned to all nurses annually and upon hire via an internet based learning platform. Orientation skills checklists will also be created to align with each competency domain’s performance criteria. The completed needs assessment identified the priorities for our annual skills day as felt by the nursing staff. A 3-year education plan is being developed to ensure nurses throughout the burn center receive education and skill practice that meets their needs and fulfills ABA BNC standards. Utilizing survey results, the competencies most needed by the nursing staff are recognized for immediate education. Providing a skills day for all burn center nurses builds relationships, encourages collaboration across burn units, and provides consistent education and information.

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