
THE SHORT TERM EFFECTIVENESS OF AN ORAL HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM ON A GROUP OF FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADE PRIMARY SCHOOLCHILDREN OZET Mudahale niteligindeki bu arastirma, 1992-1993 egitim ve ogretim yilinda Ankara ili Cebeci ilcesi Iltekin Ilkokulu'nda yapilmistir. Ilke ve yontemlere uygun ola rak olusturulan mudahale ve kontrol gruplarinin yas, sinif, anne ve babalarinin egitim duzeyleri degiskenleri bakimindan benzerligi gosterilmistir. Her iki gruba da uygulanan ilk testten sonra ogrencilerin hangi konularda yetersiz bilgiye sahip olduklari tesbit edilerek bu konulara agirlik veren bir egitim programi hazirlanarak uygulanmistir. Mudahale grubu ogrencilerinin duzenli dis fircalamanin etkisi, dogru dis fircalama sekli, yeterli macun miktari en uygun ara yuz temizlik araci, flor'un faydasi, dis plaginin ne oldugu, dis eti hastaliklarinin sonucu konularindaki bilgilerinde onemli artislar olmustur. Birinci testte mudahale grubundaki ogrencilerin % 66'si (Tutarli olarak ikinci testte de basarili olanlar) basarili iken Ikinci testle % 94'u basarili olmustur (p 0.05). Ilk ve son test sonuclarina gore, her iki grupta basarili olanlarin yuzdeleri arasindaki fark istatistiksel olarak onemli olup, mudahale grubunun yararinadir. Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the short term effectiveness of an oral health education program on a group of fourth and fifth grade primary school children. The two group of students which had uniform basis of age, sex and parent education had been selected randomly (Control and intervention). At the beginning of the study all children were exposed to a set of questions to determine their level of know ledge of oral health care. The results of this examination were used to develop the oral education program. This education program was applied to only intervention group by means of audio visual tools. Assessments were carried out before and after the oral health education program. Oral health knowledge of intervention group had been significantly increased (fyrom 66 % to 94 % and p<0.05) after the training and there has not been important change in the knowledge of control group. Relative effectiveness of intervention was figured out to be 1.7 which showed that the intervention was effective. Recommendations are made to improve the current oral health education program. The evaluation of the impact of the oral health education program has provided a basis for further long term investigation and systematic planning.

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