
Although the Sixth Comintern Congress marked a decisive turn in Communist history, it was the Wall Street Crash during autumn 1929 and the subsequent global depression that was to have far reaching global consequences. According to Haywood's memoirs, the Bureau devoted most of its attention to the work in the The International Trade Union Committee of Workers (ITUCNW), at first emphasized the special case of the USA and demanded in March 1929 that the CPUSA focus on the Negro peasantry of the Southern States of USA. As a consequence, the Bureau decided on many of the statements issued in Moscow during 1929 whereas, it seems, the ITUCNW remained in the background. The ITUCNW's main objective was to organize the World Conference of toilers, an activity that was to gain momentum during the latter half of 1929.Keywords: Haywood's memoirs; ITUCNW; Moscow; Bureau; toilers; Sixth Comintern Congress; Wall Street Crash; World Conference

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