
This year, we report on legislative activities in the forest, water, and oil, gas, and energy sectors. Implementation of the energy reform in Mexico continues with health, safety and environment (HSE) regulations for unconventional reservoirs or ‘fracking’ and regulations of the energy transition law. We observed developments for the upcoming sustainable forestry legislation and the debate on the recently adopted watershed agreement between the United States and Mexico for the Colorado River as well as the new diesel standards that sparked controversy on the ethanol content. The visit from the United Nations (UN) special rapporteur on safe drinking water and sanitation led to a statement and a report. On the biodiversity side, we report on the efforts by the Mexican government to try to save the Gulf of California Vaquita porpoise from extinction. Following the visit on 2–12 May, the UN special rapporteur on safe drinking water and sanitation issued a statement reporting on several issues in which he made recommendations on the legislative agenda, the development of water institutions, and access to water and sanitation. The special rapporteur noted that despite the adoption of a constitutional amendment more than five years ago, Mexico has not updated its National Waters Law (Ley de Aguas Nacionales), However it was recognized that adoption of a new water regime has faced several difficulties. Provision of water and sanitation services is still extremely limited or non-existent, even in Mexico City. The special rapporteur notes that urban and rural areas are still not connected to sewage systems and he observed untreated wastewater being discharged directly into local streams and rivers. The special rapporteur also identified issues associated with water quality and challenges associated with shale gas extraction, mining, hydroelectric power generation, and pesticides. Finally, the special rapporteur called attention to measures addressing indigenous peoples in Mexico, who frequently face severe challenges in the effective provision of water and sanitation. The special rapporteur issued the final report on his mission to Mexico during the thirty-sixth session of the Human Rights Council in September. The report considered information filed by non-governmental organizations and other entities with the special rapporteur during his visit to Mexico.

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