
Four particularly important books of film theory were published in 2012, two by established scholars in film—Miriam Bratu Hansen and Thomas Elsaesser—along with two timely collections of essays by twentieth-century theorists, Siegfried Kracauer and Georg Lukács, with the latter collection featuring an excellent commentary by Ian Aitken. The chapter is divided into four sections: 1. Cinema and Experience; 2. Siegfried Kracauer’s American Writings; 3. Lukácsian Film Theory; 4. The Persistence of Hollywood. The late Miriam Bratu Hansen’s Cinema and Experience: Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor W. Adorno (U Cal P [2012]) is the culmination of a career’s work, much of which was focused on the writings of Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer and, to a slightly lesser extent, Theodor Adorno on film and media. Hansen’s career began with her groundbreaking long essay, published in New German Critique in 1987 (‘Benjamin, Cinema and Experience: “The Blue...

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