
Angular distributions of α-particles from the25Mg(3He, α)24Mg and26Mg(3He, α)25Mg reactions, leading to the ground and the low excited states of24Mg and25Mg, were measured at a bombarding energy of 5.50 MeV. Relative total cross-sections were obtained from the experimental results for transitions to the ground, 1.37, 4.12, 4.23, 5.22 and 6 MeV states of24Mg and for transitions to the ground, 0.58,0.98, 1.61 and 1.96 MeV states of25Mg. The ratios of the total cross-sections were compared with the predictions of the theory of Hauser and Feshbach and a satisfactory agreement has been found. In addition, the transition to the ground state of25Mg in the26Mg(3He, α)25Mg reaction seems predominantly due to a direct interaction mechanism.

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