
Various beam pair combinations can be formed with cylindrical multibeam sonar arrays to obtain a 3D spatial sampling of a patch of seafloor for each ping. This capability is explored with a 286 deg sector cylindrical array transmitting a stepped FM pulse over a 243 deg vertical fan beam centered on nadir and receiving with twenty-seven beam pairs, symmetrically steered about nadir in the fore-aft direction and spaced at 7.16 deg intervals across track. Conventional conjugate product techniques yield two across-track profiles of 26 soundings each (52 phasors total) per ping. However, by combining one or two phasors along-track and one, two or three phasors across-track, soundings can be obtained at the spatial bisectors of the angles between the 52 phasors. This yields three profiles consisting of 51 soundings each, for a total of 153 soundings. This effectively creates a 3D patch of detected seafloor for each ping, which may overlap with the patches from adjacent pings depending on the sonars attitude changes and altitude above the seafloor. [Work supported by NRL-SSC grant N00173-00-1-G912 and NOAA grant NA170G228.]

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