
Fast ions synergy induced by ion-cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) and neutral beam injection (NBI) are of interest not only because of their advantage of heating the plasma and drive currents, but also because of their disadvantage of damaging plasma surface components and driving MHD instabilities. In this paper, we calculate the fast ion loss and the deposition distribution of the lost particles on the limiters in EAST under the synergistic effect of the ripple field and collisions with the full-orbit-following simulation program ISSDE for the first time. The previous models to study the NBI fast ion loss by the action of ICRF are relatively simple and consider fewer influencing factors. Most studies on fast ion loss have used toroidal uniform boundaries. In this work, we consider the distribution of ICRF-NBI synergy induced fast ions with different minority H concentrations. After setting the limiter boundary, we consider the prompt fast ion loss caused by the equilibrium field and the fast ion loss caused by the ripple field and collision. Under the action of minority-ion ion-cyclotron resonant heating, the NBI fast ion distribution function has spread in the high-energy part, especially for the minority H concentration of 1%, and the fast ions show each anisotropic distribution near the resonance band on the poloidal dimension. The synergistic loss caused by the ripple field and collision will first be greater than the loss caused by either factor, and then reach a final loss fraction of 3.8%. The heat load power density of the lost fast ions on different limiters is not uniform, as well as on each limiter, which is related to the distance from the limiter to the plasma, the relative position between the limiters and the parallel direction of most fast ions. Once the study of ICRF-NBI synergy induced fast ion loss caused by the action of ripple and collision has been done, we can do optimization in a targeted manner. Such as adding ferromagnetic inserts to reduce the ripple loss and optimizing the limiters’ position to reduce or control the generation of impurities.

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