
This paper presents an example of geological exploration significantly increased by the integration of a large spectrum of seismic attributes. A workflow combining a classic seismic stratigraphic approach integrated with analysis of seismic attribute maps enables a significant increase in the readability of the seismic data and the recognition of subtle structural and stratigraphic features. Therefore, despite the lack of stratigraphic control from well data, a coherent model can be proposed for the upper Palaeozoic depositional system of the proximal part of the Dampier Sub-basin (Australian Northwest Shelf). This enables the definition of 6 repetitive stacked units interpreted as 6 phases of glacial advance/retreat. A thorough analysis of the last ``stacked units' allows to refining the interpretation. It presents: a basal unit interpreted as basal moraine eroding and draping the underlying deposits and characterised by a highly reflective seismic facies; and a series of paraglacial sequences which are interpreted as the product of the deglaciation with proximal ice-marginal fans, submarine (glacio-influenced?) channels, intermediate to distal fans and a terminal marine sequence.

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