
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a method for performing 3D reconstruction by generating virtual RPC parameters from multi-view satellite stereo images provided by Google Earth (GE) software. In the multi-view stereo (MVS) image in a general case, after the pose and parameters of the camera are estimated, a dense 3D surface can be reconstructed. However, in the case of satellite images, it is not easy to obtain the original images with pose parameters of an area of interest. In the case of GE software, which can obtain images across the globe, the images provided are georeferenced and modified to fit the ground control point (GCP), so there is no camera model to explain the projection relationship. Therefore, the purpose of the proposed method is to perform 3D reconstruction by generating virtual camera parameters in modified satellite images obtained from GE software. In the proposed method, satellite images obtained from GE are estimated to be pinhole images using structure from motion (SfM) for initial reconstruction. After initial reconstruction, the 3D model is transformed from a distorted hexahedral space formed along a pixel ray to a UTM coordinate system metric space through a 3D homography-based georeferencing. A virtual rational polynomial camera (RPC) parameter is calculated through the satellite images and the 3D interspace correspondence point of UTM coordinates. The result is generated by virtual RPC and the MVS method using the RPC model. The reconstructed DSM using virtual RPC is improved over the initial reconstruction of the proposed process, and error measurement in the area with GT obtained significant results with an average of 1.366m on an MAE method.

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