
The southwestern South China Block is one of the most important Sn polymetallic ore districts in the world, of which the Dulong Sn-Zn polymetallic deposit, closely related to Late Cretaceous granitic magmatism, contains 0.4 Mt Sn, 5.0 Mt Zn, 0.2 Mt Pb, and 7 Kt In, and is one of the largest Sn-Zn polymetallic deposits in this region. In this paper, on the basis of a 3D model of ore bodies established by the cut-off grade of the main ore-forming elements, the In grades were estimated by the ordinary Kriging method and the In-rich cells were extracted. The 3D models of strata, faults, granites, and granite porphyries in the mining area were established and assigned the attributes to the cells, which built buffer zones representing the influence space of the geological factors. The weight of evidence and artificial neural network methods were used to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of each geological factor to mineralization. The results show that the Neoproterozoic Xinzhai Formation (Pt3x), fault (F1), and Silurian granites (S3L) have considerable control effects on the occurrence of In-rich ore bodies. The metallogenic predictions according to the spatial coupling relationship of each geological factor in 3D space were carried out, and then the 3D-space-prospecting target areas of In-rich ore bodies were delineated. In addition, the early geological maps and data information of the mining area were comprehensively integrated in 3D space. The feasibility of 3D quantitative metallogenic prediction based on the deposit model was explored by comparing the two methods, and then, the 3D-space prospecting target area was delineated. The ROC curve evaluation shows that the results of two methods have indicative value for prospecting. The modeling results may support its use for future deep prospecting and exploitation of the Dulong and other similar deposits.

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