
Abstract Objective Based on previous studies, single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) has been proven to be more accurate and reproducible than planar lung perfusion scintigraphy. We conducted a study to evaluate the impact of 3D-quantitated lung perfusion SPECT/CT on intended management in candidates for lung resection surgery. Methods Retrospective study including candidates for lung resection surgery with lung perfusion imaging. Patients underwent preoperative evaluation according to ERS/ESTS algorithm. The lobar contribution to the total lung perfusion was estimated using planar antero-posterior, posterior oblique and three-dimensional anatomical SPECT/CT method (CT Pulmo 3D and xSPECT- Quant, Siemens). The difference in lobar perfusion with resulting changes in the extent of lung resection were analyzed to reveal possible changes in operability. Results 120 patients (46 females) with known lung cancer or pulmonary lesion considered for resection with available lung perfusion scintigraphy and SPECT/CT were enrolled. The mean age (±SD) of patients was 68 ±9 years, the target lesions were located in upper lobe in 57.7% and in lower lobe in 33.5%. The median [IQR] FEV1 was 70.5% [52–84] and median DLCO 56.6% [47.1–67.4]. The planar posterior oblique method, compared to 3D-quantitated SPECT/CT, underestimated the perfusion of upper lobes by a median difference of 5% (right [2–9; IQR]; left [2.5–8], p= < 0.0001), while it overestimated the both lower lobes (left by 4% [2–7]; right by 6% [2–9], p= < 0.0001). In contrast to the planar scintigraphy based evaluation, 4(3.3%) patients with upper lobe lesions were classified as inoperable when 3D-quantitated SPECT/CT was used for calculation of predicted postoperative lung function. Conclusion In selected patients with upper lobe lesions, 3D-quantitated SPECT/CT would have changed the treatment strategy from operable to inoperable. Importantly, post-operative mortality in this particular subgroup was disproportionally high. 3D-quantitated SPECT/CT shall be further evaluated as it might improve preoperative risk stratification in marginal lung resection candidates.

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