
The 3D printing is considered as an emerging digitized technology that could act as a key driving factor for the future advancement and precise manufacturing of personalized dosage forms, regenerative medicine, prosthesis and implantable medical devices. Tailoring the size, shape and drug release profile from various drug delivery systems can be beneficial for special populations such as paediatrics, pregnant women and geriatrics with unique or changing medical needs. This review summarizes various types of 3D printing technologies with advantages and limitations particularly in the area of pharmaceutical research. The applications of 3D printing in tablets, films, liquids, gastroretentive, colon, transdermal and intrauterine drug delivery systems as well as medical devices have been briefed. Due to the novelty and distinct features, 3D printing has the inherent capacity to solve many formulation and drug delivery challenges, which are frequently associated with poorly aqueous soluble drugs. Recent approval of Spritam® and publication of USFDA technical guidance on additive manufacturing related to medical devices has led to an extensive research in various field of drug delivery systems and bioengineering. The 3D printing technology could be successfully implemented from pre-clinical phase to first-in-human trials as well as on-site production of customized formulation at the point of care having excellent dose flexibility. Advent of innovative 3D printing machineries with built-in flexibility and quality with the introduction of new regulatory guidelines would rapidly integrate and revolutionize conventional pharmaceutical manufacturing sector.

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