
Piezoelectric composites made of piezoelectric ceramic particles and polymer composites combine the performance advantages of both components and have broad application prospects. However, the preparation of complex structures is still a challenge, for which 3D printing technology provides a perfect solution. The aim of the present study is to investigate the principle and process optimization of the stereolithography of 0–3 type piezoelectric composites through simulation and experiments. In particular, a modified three-phase model of a spherical shell is applied to elucidate the influence of the elastic modulus between the ceramic particles and the matrix on the piezoelectric properties of the composites at the macroscopic level. This enables the piezoelectric properties of the composites to be predicted more accurately, and guides the surface grafting modification of piezoelectric ceramic powders. Furthermore, the problem of weak interface bonding in piezoelectric composites caused by poor compatibility between hydrophilic particles and the hydrophobic matrix is successfully solved by preprocessing the PZT ceramic powder via activating the particle surface hydroxyl groups and grafting a silane coupling agent onto the piezoelectric ceramic powder. As a result, the particles are bonded to the matrix by covalent bonds, which increases the elastic modulus of the interface transition layer and modifies the stress transfer efficiency. For instance, the piezoelectric strain constant (d33) of piezoelectric composite containing 60 wt% functionalized PZT particles is increased from 20 to 37 pC/N. The printing accuracy, piezoelectric properties, and mechanical characteristics of the piezoelectric composites are thoroughly investigated, and the reliability of the proposed theoretical model and simulation results is verified. The piezoelectric composites are uniformly compact and have a low residual pore rate. The piezoelectric composite with a solid content of 60 wt% has a volume density of 2.27 g/cm3 and a Young's modulus of 535.44 MPa. Most importantly, its piezoelectric voltage constant (g33) is 167.2 × 10−3 Vm/N, which is more than seven times higher than that of homogeneous PZT and results in high voltage sensitivity.

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