
This article proposes a 3D object classification approach based on volumetric parts, where Superquadricbased Geon (SBG) description is implemented for representing the volumetric constituents of 3D object. In the approach, 3D object classification is decomposed into the constrained search on interpretation tree and the similarity measure computation. First, a set of integrated features and corresponding constraints are presented, which are used for defining efficient interpretation tree search rules and evaluating the model similarity. Then a similarity measure computation algorithm is developed to evaluate the shape similarity of unknown object data and the stored models. By this classification approach, both whole and partial matching results with model shape similarity ranks can be obtained; especially, focus match can be achieved, in which different key parts can be labeled and all the matched models with corresponding key parts can be obtained. Some experiments are carried out to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the approach for 3D object classification.

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