
We present new model results for H2O, O2, H2, O, and H in the atmosphere of Ganymede. The results are obtained from a collision-less 3D Monte-Carlo model that includes sublimation, ion and electron sputtering, and ion and electron radiolysis. Because Ganymede has its own magnetic field, its immediate plasma environment is particularly complex. The interaction between Ganymede’s and Jupiter’s magnetospheres makes it highly variable in both space and time. The recent Juno Ganymede flyby provided us with new data on the electron local environment. Based on the electron measurements recorded by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE), we implement two electron populations, one for the moon’s polar regions and one for the moon’s auroral regions. Comparing the atmospheric contribution of these newly defined electron populations to the overall source and loss processes is one of the main goals of this work.Our analysis shows that for H2O, sublimation remains the most important source process even after accounting for the new electron populations, delivering more than three orders of magnitude more H2O molecules to the atmosphere than all other source processes combined. The source fluxes for O2 and H2, on the other hand, are dominated by radiolysis induced by the auroral electrons, assuming that the electron fluxes JADE measured during Juno’s transit of Ganymede’s magnetopause current layer are representative of auroral electrons. Atomic O and H are mainly added to the atmosphere through the dissociation of O2 and H2, which is primarily induced by auroral electrons.Our understanding of Ganymede’s atmosphere today is mainly based on spectroscopic observations. The interpretation of spectroscopic data strongly depends on assumptions taken, though. Our analysis shows that for a holistic understanding of Ganymede’s atmosphere, simultaneous observations of the moon’s surface, atmosphere, and full plasma environment (thermal and energetic ions and electrons) at different times and locations (both with respect to Ganymede and with respect to Jupiter) are particularly important. Such measurements are planned by ESA’s Jupiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE), in particular by the Particle Environment Package (PEP), which will greatly advance our understanding of Ganymede and its atmosphere and plasma environment.

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