
We consider the generalization of the "spinor approach" to the Lorentzian case, in the context of 3d loop quantum gravity with cosmological constant $\Lambda=0$. The key technical tool that allows this generalization is the recoupling theory between unitary infinite-dimensional representations and non-unitary finite-dimensional ones, obtained in the process of generalizing the Wigner-Eckart theorem to SU(1,1). We use SU(1,1) tensor operators to build observables and a solvable quantum Hamiltonian constraint, analogue of the one introduced by V. Bonzom and his collaborators in the Euclidean case (with both $\Lambda=0$ and $\Lambda\neq0$). We show that the Lorentzian Ponzano-Regge amplitude is solution of the quantum Hamiltonian constraint by recovering the Biedenharn-Elliott relation (generalized to the case where unitary and non-unitary SU(1,1) representations are coupled to each other). Our formalism is sufficiently general that both the Lorentzian and the Euclidean case can be recovered (with $\Lambda=0$).

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