
Upstream oil & gas operators faced many challenges in drilling activities during a field development phase where the reservoir pressure depletion might disturb the stresses equilibrium in the formation and triggered stress redistribution in the reservoir and its surrounding rocks. These changes could lead into more problematic drilling experiences such as the narrowing of safe drilling mud weight windows and potential operating losses due to related wellbore instability issues. 3D Geomechanics analysis conducted to identify the stress redistribution and predict the field wellbore instabilities behaviour that honour the geological features in the area. The 1 D Geomechanics model is created for offset wells which consist of rock strength and elastic properties, pore pressure and stresses profiles. Seismic inversion volume is used to populate the properties in the 3D static model and field Geomechanics simulation conducted to obtain the field stresses profile. V field data is used as the data available in this field is complete to support this study (wire-line logs, petrophysical interpretations, VSP, core analysis, production log, drilling reports, and the seismic velocity cube). The results of the integrated reservoir Geomechanics characterization with seismic inversion managed to predict the wellbore instabilities model in the offset wells.

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