
Plate corners with extreme exhumation rates are important because they offer a perspective for understanding the interactions between tectonics and surface processes. The southern Alaskan margin with its curved convergent plate boundary and associated zones of localized uplift is a prime location to study active orogeny. Here, we present the results of fully-coupled thermo-mechanical (geodynamic) and geomorphologic numerical modelling, the design of which captures the key features of the studied area: subduction of oceanic lithosphere (Pacific plate) is adjacent to a pronounced asymmetric indenter dipping at a shallow angle (Yakutat microplate), which in turn is bounded to the east by a dextral strike-slip shear zone (Fairweather fault). The resulting first-order deformation/rock uplift patterns show strong similarities with observations. In particular, relatively young thermochronological ages are reproduced along the plate-bounding (Fairweather) transform fault and in the area of its transition to convergence (the St. Elias syntaxis). The focused exhumation of the Chugach Core also finds its equivalent in model predicted zones of high rock uplift rates in an isolated region above the indenter. From these results, we suggest that the general exhumation patterns observed in southern Alaska are controlled by mutually reinforcing effects of tectonic deformation and surface erosion processes.

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