
During meiosis, the chromatin and transcriptome undergo prominent switches. Although recent studies have explored the genome reorganization during spermatogenesis, the chromatin remodeling in oogenesis and characteristics of homologous pairing remain largely elusive. We comprehensively compared chromatin structures and transcriptomes at successive substages of meiotic prophase in both female and male mice using low-input high-through chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Compartments and topologically associating domains (TADs) gradually disappeared and slowly recovered in both sexes. We found that homologs adopted different sex-conserved pairing strategies prior to and after the leptotene-to-zygotene transition, changing from long interspersed nuclear element (LINE)-enriched compartments B to short interspersed nuclear element (SINE)-enriched compartments A. We complemented marker genes and predicted the sex-specific meiotic sterile genes for each substage. This study provides valuable insights into the similarities and distinctions between sexes in chromosome architecture, homologous pairing, and transcriptome during meiotic prophase of both oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

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