
The heart is an organ which functions by a periodic change of the three dimensional (3D) spatially distributed parameters; malfunctions of the heart's operating systems are manifested by changes of the spatio-temporal heart shape dynamics. A comprehensive quantitative study of this dynamic shape-function relationship is restricted by the partial character of the available data sets obtained by conventional imaging technologies and by limitations of the image analysis tools. This paper attempts to present a set of image analysis tools aimed at a thorough study of the left ventricular (LV) shape-function relationship based on Cine CT data. Data processing methodologies aimed at analysis and interpretation of the dynamic 3D LV shape, thickening and motion are described. These include the computerized detection of the LV boundaries, dynamic reconstruction of 3D LV shape, the LV shape parameters and their spatio-temporal evolution. The procedures are demonstrated using Cine CT images of the human LV in normal and pathological cases.

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