
Poor tendon repair is an unsolved issue in clinical practice, due to complex tendon structure. Tendon stem/progenitor cells (TSPCs) play key roles in homeostasis, regeneration, and inflammation regulation in acute tendon injuries, and rely on TGF-β signaling for recruitment into degenerative tendons. In this study, we aimed to develop an in vitro model for tenogenesis adopting a dynamic culture of a fibrin 3D scaffold, bioengineered with human TSPCs collected from both healthy and tendinopathic surgery explants (Review Board prot./SCCE n.151, 29 October 2020). 3D culture was maintained for 21 days under perfusion provided by a custom-made bioreactor, in a medium supplemented with hTGF-β1 at 20 ng/mL. The data collected suggested that the 3D in vitro model well supported survival of both pathological and healthy cells, and that hTGF-β signaling, coupled to a dynamic environment, promoted differentiation events. However, pathological hTSPCs showed a different expression pattern of tendon-related genes throughout the culture and an impaired balance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, compared to healthy hTSPCs, as indicated by qRT-PCT and immunofluorescence analyses. Additionally, the expression of both tenogenic and cytokine genes in hTSPCs was influenced by hTGF-β1, indicating that the environment assembled was suitable for studying tendon stem cells differentiation. The study offers insights into the use of 3D cultures of hTSPCs as an in vitro model for investigating their behavior during tenogenic events and opens perspectives for following the potential impact on resident stem cells during regeneration and healing events.

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