
AbstractA 3D Cellular Automata (CA) model for simulating fluid permeation through porous material with complex morphology is developed and investigated. The model is a composition of two interacting CA: one, simulating fluid convection, induced either by gravitation force or by external pressure, and another — simulating fluid surface leveling by diffusion. Both CA process the same discrete space, their operation being separated in time and space, which simplifies essentially parallel implementation. The CA model is tested on an example of water permeation through soil. Results of its parallel implementation on a multiprocessor with distributed memory are presented. A tomographic digitized representation of a 3D soil sample was kindly given by Prof.Wim Cornelis. The simulation program was implemented on the cluster of Siberian Supercomputer Center of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science.KeywordsCellular AutomatonCellular AutomatonCellular Automaton ModelWater PermeationAsynchronous ModeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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