
view Abstract Citations (2) References (24) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS 3C 364: A Steep-Spectrum Radio Galaxy at z=0.92 Spinrad, Hyron ; Dey, Arjun ; Yates, Mark ; Dickinson, Mark ; van Breugel, Wil Abstract 3C 364 has many of the credentials of a luminous radio galaxy at very high redshift: faint optical magnitude (m_R_ = 22), ultrasteep radio spectrum (α = 1.29), and apparent multimodal galaxy morphology associated with (but nearly perpendicular to) a small (2") double radio source. However, our spectroscopy shows it to be at a relatively modest redshift of z = 0.917. Its spectrum is dominated by a red stellar continuum and strong [O II] emission. The infrared magnitude of 3C 364 is K = 17.27, typical for 3CR and 1 Jy-class radio galaxies at z ~ 0.9. Its radio luminosity [log_10_P_1.4GHZ, rest_(W Hz^-1^) = 27.71] is much smaller than the distant 4C radio galaxies with comparably steep radio spectra. We emphasize that AGN radio properties correlate with optical/IR luminosity and redshift only in a statistical manner. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: July 1993 DOI: 10.1086/116615 Bibcode: 1993AJ....106....6S Keywords: Active Galactic Nuclei; Luminosity; Radio Galaxies; Radio Spectra; Red Shift; Morphology; Oxygen Ions; Radio Sources (Astronomy); Spectral Emission; Astrophysics; RADIO CONTINUUM: GALAXIES; GALAXIES: INDIVIDUAL: 3C 364 full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (1) NED (1)

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