
Equilibrium experiments were performed to determine thermally stable ranges of 3BaO·2FeO·12Fe2O3(BaZ) and BaO·6Fe2O3(BaM) hexa-ferrites under various oxygen partial pressures. The obtained results are summarized as follows.(1) BaZ is found to decompose into BaM and liquid at relatively higher temperatures, and into BaM and BaO·Fe2O3 at relatively lower temperatures. The partial pressures of oxygen on the decompositions depend only on the reaction temperature as follows:(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.) The thermally stable range of BaZ, thus, exists between the conditions given by both of the above equations.(2) BaM is found to decompose into BaX and liquid at higher oxygen pressures, and into BaX and BaZ at lower oxygen pressures. The relations between the oxygen partial pressures and reaction temperatures on the decompositions are given by the following equations:(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.)

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