
To evaluate the rate of conversion of SMFM Annual Meeting abstract presentations (’abstracts’) to full manuscript publication (‘pub’) over time. Full manuscript publications corresponding to all SMFM oral abstracts 2003-2009 inclusive, and SMFM poster abstracts in 2003, 2005, and 2007 (random sample years selected) were manually searched in PubMed. An abstract was considered to ‘match’ a full pub if the abstract and pub titles as well as main methods and results were similar and the abstract 1st author was a pub author. In cases of uncertainty, the abstract-pub match was reviewed by a 2nd physician researcher. Time to pub, pub rates over time, and pub rates among US vs. non-US authors were examined. PMID numbers were also collected to determine if >1 abstract contributed to a manuscript. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon rank-sum, ANOVA, and chi-square. 2455 abstracts presented at SMFM over the study period, including 544 orals (56 main plenary, 56 fellows plenary, 432 concurrent), were reviewed. 1406/2455 (57%) were published, generating 1228 unique pubs. Oral abstracts had a consistently higher rate of conversion to pubs vs. posters (78% vs. 51%, p<0.001). The median time to pub was 19 (IQR 9-39) months, and was significantly shorter for orals vs. posters (12.5 vs. 22 months, p<0.001). Pubs related to SMFM abstracts were published in 175 different journals, most commonly AJOG (602/1406, 43%), Obstet Gynecol (139/1406, 10%), and J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med (92/1406, 7%). The proportion of abstracts resulting in pub varied significantly over the study period (p<0.001, figure). Pub rates were higher if the abstract’s 1st author was affiliated with a non-US institution (66% vs. 55%, p<0.001). Non-US authors were less likely to combine multiple abstracts into one publication (8% vs. 14%, p=0.003). Most SMFM abstract presentations are converted to full manuscript publications. Abstracts presented as orals and by non-US primary authors had higher rates of publication.

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